Monday, January 10, 2011

Red Bay Alabama "SNOW"

We left Montreal for a 2,200kl (1,400 miles) drive due south to Red Bay Alabama and ended up in 6-8 in. of snow. People here don't remember ever having this much snow, and the state has no snow removal equipment. Snow has stop but we are in freezing rain and expect to last 3-4 days.l

1 comment:

Jean Poirier said...

To bad for you spécialement Lucette. Des chaines sur des pneus avant that must give you a nice feeling while driving. Next time take a picture.J
Why do you go so far for trouble. Come down old Florida. It is only in the newspaper and TV that it is cold here. We have been here ( Naples ) for a month and temperature never below 70F during the day and around 50F at night.Jean