Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Addition to Family

On December 1st we adopted Silver into our family. Siver plans on following us behind the motor home and for Xmas we will buy it mud guards, side step and a box cover to keep warm and clean

Friday, November 28, 2008

Virginia Blue Ridge Pkwy

We left the motorhome in Red Bay and will pick up after Xmas. On our way home with the vehicle we drove a part of the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Xmas Red Bay Alabama

Zephyr will be spending the holiday season here at Tiffin yard in Red Bay Alabama

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Repairs at Tiffin Red Bay Alabama

We had a list of 31 items for repairs, All was completed in 7 days. While we were on site we met other RV's who shared great information. We also joined the Tiffin Alegro Club that have their headquarters on site.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Alabama Southern Hospitality

On Saturday night we went to a restaurant and while waiting for our table at the bar we met Dennis & Maureen Steel from Russellville that invited us to join them. One thing lead to another and the following day we were invited to afternoon tea ?? (see picture) at Yvonne's residence where we also met Ausie, Yvonne and Edwardo (not on picture). They are all doctors in Russellville and were most generous and friendly. We thanks them from such nice hospitality and the great treat.

Coon Dog Cemetery Alabama

There are some 75 coon dogs buried here to see all facts look at

Coon Dog Cemetery Alabama

The tourist highlite of the area is the Coon Dog Cemetery

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Elvis Presley

Lucette sitting on the porch where Elvis Presley was brought up in Tupelo Mississipi before going to stardom in Nashville

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Downtown Red Bay Alabama

Not much to say as there is not much there

Sunday, November 16, 2008

State Line Alabama

We are arriving Alabama from Canada via Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississipi. The total trip was 2,260 kl with a service stop at Sparton in Michigan.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Zephyr Gets Beaten Up By Owner

After several weeks of washing and shinning the motorhome inside the garage, I decided to take it outside to sweep the garage floor. As I drove out I turned sharply when the rear end of the coach caught up in the door frame ripping the entire rear corner and the rear cap came apart. And this just within two weeks of leaving for our southern trip. It was repaired in time near Montreal and they did an excellent job.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Brunswick

on the Pokemouche golf course

New Brunswick

Closing our fantastic visit by a round of golf

New Brunswick

Carmelle & Lucette sunset cocktails low tide

New Brunswick

Russell & Gary digging for clams

New Brunswick

Local fishing boat at Petite Lameque

New Brunswick

Gary & Carmelle Perron of Campbelton New Brunswick who organised this lovely week end

New Brunswick

Petite Lameque New Brunswick at camping Jeannot 70 sites located 47.58.46N 64.32.12W

Monday, August 25, 2008

FMCA Northeast Area Rally Essex Junction Vermont

chapter Allô Québec members attending FMCA rally

FMCA Northeast Area Rally Essex Junction Vermont

chapter Allô Québec members attending FMCA rally

FMCA Northeast Area Rally Essex Junction Vermont

FMCA Allô Québec Chapter field headquarters

FMCA Northeast Area Rally Essex Junction Vermont

Roger Fountain of FMCA Allô Québec driving the tram at rally

FMCA Northeast Area Rally Essex Junction Vermont

Allô Québec Hospitality reception FMCA Directors

Sunday, August 10, 2008

FMCA Northeast Area Rally Essex Junction Vermont

chapter Allô Québec members attending FMCA rally

Wednesday, June 4, 2008