Monday, July 29, 2013

Maritimes Newfoundland Trip Stats 2013

Left Home St Zotique Quebec on July 3rd return July 21st SOLO.
9,013 kilometers or 5,600 miles
Riding Time 122 Hours
Cost C$220 per day, roughly 50% rooms, 20% gas, 20% food , 10% miscellaneous

Had me self a shagging good time

Hard to believe that such beauty and culture are our next door neighbours.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Newfoundland St John's George Street 2013

Down by the docks George Street has numerous bars typical Irish music and a place to be Screeched in.

Newfoundland Screechers Certificate 2013

The Royal Order of Newfoundland Screechers certify that Laporte Russell of the Mainland has consumed a bountiful taste of Newfoundlands finest rum and has performed the ceromonial rites associated herein. We now bestow the great privilege on naming YE Old Cock' a proud Honarary Newfoundlander on this day July 19th in the year 2013.

Newfoundland Screeching Ceremony 2013

This is a huge tradition in Newfoundland for all mainlanders and a must do. Basically it requires a shot of Screech rum then kissing a dead COD fish. The rum is made in the Caribbean Island called Screeche and only for the sale in Newfoundland.

Newfoundland HOG Chapter 2013

For those unfamiliar with HOG it stands for Harley Owners Group a International association.

Newfoundland HOG Picture Russell & Harley 2013

Newfoundland Hog Rally 2013

Russell attends HOG Rally in St John's Newfoundland 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Newfoundland Fishing Boat 2013

Newfoundland Small Lobster Boats 2013

Newfoundland Skerwink Trail 2013

Newfoundland Bonavista Trinity Skerwink Trail 2013

Skerwink Trail in Trinity is one of the best coastal scenic hiking trail that I took. It is simply awsome one picture waiting for the next one.

Newfoundland Central Region Iceberg La Scie 2013

This Iceberg off the coast is one my favorite sights. Awsome indeed even the locals came to see it as it was rare in size. This was taken late in evening calm waters no wind and in between the two of us a whale was feeding on surface with tail in the air and all.

Newfoundland Western Region Rocky Harbour 2013

Newfoundland Scenic Coastal Hiking 2013

Newfoundland Moose Warning 2013

Newfoundland has an abundance of Moose and there are some 600 accidents a year caused by them. The Province has put up these signs with cameras on the road in the most critical areas.

Newfoundland Rose Blanche Lighthouse 2013

Located some 25 kilometers from Ferry Port Aux Basque, Very beautiful area great for scenic hiking and picnic

Newfoundland 2013

Newfoundland Ferry Bike Tie Down 2013

The Ferry provides tie down straps and you are responsible to tie down your own bike

Newfoundland Ferry 2013

Ferry Sydney Nova Scotia to Port aux Basque Newfoundland crossing time some 6 hours full service to include bar, berth, cafeteria, theatre etc. Cost for one passenger one bike one way some $C100.00 excluding berth

Nova Scotia Cabot Trail 2013